MF Live: Which date should you choose to do SIPs?
-What should be the ideal investment horizon for SIPs?
-What are the chances for maximum return in long term investment?
-What are the Top and Bottom levels to start with SIP?
-Which date should an investor decide to start SIP?
-I want to accumulate 30 lakhs in 3 years. Pls suggest for my portfolio?
-If needed how should I increase my SIP?
-If want to start SIP of 20k per month . Pls suggest schemes?
-I have ongoing SIPs in BAF,Bluechip, Flexicap,Small cap, Mid cap and Multi cap fund. Is my portfolio balaced?
-I want to invest in the Motilal Oswal Defence fund NFO. Is is suitable?
-Can I accuulate 15 Cr in 25 years with 5% step up via SIPs?
-I want to invest 3 lakhs in ETF funds. Pls suggest some top rated funds in the category?
-Also should I make lump sum investments of 3 lakhs or stagger it via SIPs?
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